Bad Breath Treatment

Most bad breath is caused by oral problems like gum disease, tooth decay and a dry mouth. Treatment for these conditions will often help your breath improve. Other causes of halitosis include sinus infections, certain foods and some medications. If you think your bad breath is due to a medical condition, ask your doctor about it. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist or recommend an over-the-counter medication that can help reduce the odor.입냄새치료

Your dentist can usually identify the cause of your bad breath by examining your gums, tongue and inside your cheeks. They will also smell your breath to see if it has an unpleasant odor. They will then decide on a course of action to treat your bad breath.

Dentists can usually identify a dental cause of bad breath such as gingivitis or plaque buildup. They can then recommend a deep cleaning or filling to repair the problem and improve your breath. They can also give you advice on how to clean your teeth and gums better at home, including using a tongue scraper. They may also suggest special mouthwash or toothpaste to fight odor-causing bacteria or other oral health problems.

If the dentist determines that your bad breath is not caused by a dental issue, they can refer you to your family doctor or to a specialist such as an ear, nose and throat doctor to find the source of the odor. Some underlying medical conditions can lead to unpleasant breath, such as tonsillitis; respiratory infections such as sinusitis or bronchitis; some gastrointestinal diseases; advanced liver or kidney disease; and diabetes.

You can help prevent bad breath by practicing good oral hygiene and eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Brush your teeth and use a dental floss at least twice a day. Floss before brushing to remove any food particles that may be stuck in your teeth. Rinse your mouth with an antimicrobial mouthwash or gargle with water to kill bacteria. If you have a chronic dry mouth, rinse or use an over-the-counter moisturizing product.

Some people think they have bad breath when their breath is actually quite fresh. This is called pseudo-halitosis and can be very distressing. If you think you have this condition, it is best to speak with your dentist or a mental health professional for reassurance.해우소한의원

If you are concerned about your bad breath, ask a friend or relative to test your breath. Be sure to ask someone who has not recently eaten garlic or onions. You should also avoid smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages just before testing your breath. Also, it is helpful to visit your dentist regularly for a checkup and cleaning. This will help to prevent and detect dental problems before they become serious.