Implant Placement Methods

implant placement method

Implant Placement Methods

Implants are a solid base for supporting artificial teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. They are an excellent choice for people with missing or damaged teeth and have been a successful treatment for years. The first step in the implant process involves a consultation with a prosthodontist (a specialist in the placement and restoration of dental implants). The surgeon will review your medical and dental history, create impressions of your gum line and teeth for creating tooth replacement options, as well as take x-rays and other diagnostic tests to determine whether you are a candidate for implant dentistry.응암동치과

After the comprehensive exam, the surgeon will discuss your goals and the best implant option for you. He will also provide you with information regarding the different types of implants and their advantages and disadvantages. The type of implant you choose will depend on many factors, including the size and location of your jawbone, your lifestyle, and your aesthetic preferences.

There are two basic types of implant placement methods: static or dynamic navigation. Static placement is an older technique that utilizes a surgical guide during the procedure to direct the placement of the implant. Dynamic navigation, on the other hand, uses optical technologies to track and display the implant and surgical guide on a screen during surgery.

Over the muscle placement (also known as subglandular placement) is where the implant is inserted above the chest muscle called the pectoralis major and under the glandular breast tissue. This type of placement is typically recommended for women with a good amount of existing breast tissue, as it helps to ensure adequate implant coverage and prevents the implant from visibly distorting when the chest muscle contracts during normal movements and exercise.

Bone Grafting

When there is not enough bone present in the jaw to support an implant, it is necessary to augment the area with a graft before proceeding. This can be done through a bone transplant from other parts of your body such as your hip or chin, or through artificial bone material such as calcium phosphate or hydroxyapatite. It is also possible to use processed pig, cow or human cadaver bone.이일우치과

Immediate Implant Placement

The latest development in implant technology is immediate implant placement, sometimes referred to as “same day implants” or “teeth in a day.” This is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed at the time of extraction of a tooth if the conditions are right (i.e., sufficient bone width and no active infection).

The best way to determine your implant placement method is to schedule an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon. During your consultation, the surgeon will be able to address all of your questions and concerns and help you decide which implant placement method is best for your needs.